Wednesday, January 29, 2014

M2C OBS Week 2: Anxiety (1Peter 5:7-8)

1Peter 5:7-8
Cast all your anxieties to the Lord.  All of them.  Every last one! YIKES!

I always struggle with this. Not because I don’t think God can handle them, but because I think I can handle them.  If I sat here and made a list of what I become anxious over, I would never get this done.  One thing leads to the next, which leads to the next, until my life is overcome with anxiety over things that I have no control over, and it robs me of the glorious things happening right now.

I find it ironic that I get anxious over things that should be good for me.  Last Thursday, I had already told my sweet hubby that I wanted to get on Face Book so that I could participate live on the M2C OBS.  And he supported it 100%. Then life happened.  Extra kids ended up at our house, dinner was NOT being made as planned, Hubby was late getting home, and I was tired.  The result was me running around getting nothing accomplished while yelling at everyone that dared to enter the kitchen.  I wanted to get everything done so I could get to my M2C OBS!  Do you see the irony here?  I was ready to hurt the people right there next to me, who love and care for me, because I was anxious about making it on time… to a Bible study.

What should have I done?  Slowed down for 30 seconds, said a breath-prayer and asked God to calm my fears.  I was afraid that if I missed the OBS, I would be behind, that I would disappoint people.  Looking back, how foolish I was to mistreat my family.  No one would have been disappointed.  I wouldn’t be behind. The end result was that Hubby walked up to me and asked what was wrong. He took the dish towel from my hands and told me to go do my M2C OBS.  And I did…

I have the same anxiety behind having a healthier life.  I am not saying I am on a diet; this is a permanent lifestyle that I need to adapt and embrace. And I have anxiety over food. Daily. Is this food good for me, how much of it should I eat, when should I eat?  Then add into the exercising. UGH. But God wants to share in the burden that this is for me.  This fight. My fears over being overweight forever.  So I need to give it all to Him.  He has the strength that I don’t have alone. Be alert and of sober mind. I need to be aware of when anxiety over food is overtaking me. It doesn’t help, in fact it makes it worse.  I end up racing for the bag of peanut butter M&M’s.  Rather than reaching for food, I need to remember to give it to God through prayer.

Lord, help me to reach out to you when I am anxious over the changes I am embracing.  Help alleviate my fears of failure and the long battle that I have ahead.  I know that this is not an overnight change, and it may take a lifetime for me.  Please help me to understand that I can do this and fill me with you peace.


  1. I also have to remind myself that I can't control everything by myself. I am determined that I will be empowered by his strength and hope!

  2. Keri,
    I want to thank you for being honest and transparent about your struggle with being anxious about things I find that when I attempt to do things in my own strength and power, I can become overwhelmed and unfortunately I sometimes take it out on my loved ones also. Your reference to the mustard seed in your title reminds me that it only takes a little bit of faith to stir the heart of God to move on my behalf. He is there with us to bring order and beauty out of the chaos if we are wiling to let Him. Do not fear, Keri, He's got you in the palm of His hand!!!

  3. Keri...are you reading my mind? lol We all have battles every minute of the day. Turning it over and LEAVING it in God's hands... I don't know if that is possible for me. I try but it is hard and that is why we have to keep turning to his word and digging deeper to be prepared for our life long battles. Thank you for sharing your sweet heart with us! Keep your palms up and keep the #Determination!! God is always here for you and us~ Cindy M. OBS Small Group Leader
