With so much outside forces, can I find and nurture my mustard seed of faith?
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
Sunday, April 13, 2014
P31 OBS: Living So That. Week 1
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
M2C Week 5: #Beneficial
1) I cannot do this alone. While I have a great support team at home, it is the support team in my heart that I need more. Face it, there will always be that super-yummy-instantly-satisfying-food that everyone is eating. Everyone but me. And I am going to need God's strength and grace to turn away from it. Because once I eat that one delicious piece of cake covered in icing, I will get another. Which rounds me back to right now, that stuff is not beneficial for me and the next truth.
2) Just because everyone else is getting it, I don't. God isn't doing this to punish me (although I have had my doubts about that). To be honest, I don't really get it, in my heart. I'm still working on it. What I do know in my head is that just like I put boundaries on my kids and my students, for two very good reasons, to keep them safe and to help them mature, God has set these boundaries for me. To protect me, not to cage me (oh, this is a hard one for me to take in). And to help me mature past my desire for instant gratification (yeah, I get on people all the time about this, but have never taken the time to apply it to me in the one place that I struggle most).
3) This is not going to be easy. 'Nuff said.
4) While I need food to survive in the bodily sense, I need God to survive spiritually and eternally. If my body was to give out before I finished this sentence, there is a part of me that will continue on. I need to worry more about nourishing that part of me and not the fleshy part. I like the way that 1 Corinthians 10:23-24 was put in the Message translation. "Looking at it one way, you could say, “Anything goes. Because of God’s immense generosity and grace, we don’t have to dissect and scrutinize every action to see if it will pass muster.” But the point is not to just get by. We want to live well, but our foremost efforts should be to help others live well." And there it is again my friends. See what I put in bold AND italics. I was made for more!
The reality of this is the more I say this "permissible, not benifical" each time I want something that I already know I shouldn't have it gets a itsy-bitsy-tiny-whiny-little-bit easier. And when I don't, I get just that much more defeated and discourages (and a little bit of a pity-party starts to happen). I just don't know why it has taken me all this time to figure this out. But I am glad that I finally did. When did it finally sink in for you? What were your epiphanies?
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
M2C Week 4: Afternoon Acts of Kindness
Wednesday, February 5, 2014
M2C Week 3: Delighting in Obedience
That's what people call me.

But I have seemed to misunderstand is how God frames obedience. It isn't doing the possible, it's doing the impossible with His help. It isn't weakness, it's trusting something more than me. It's trusting, and following, not really knowing where the path is going to lead. It's courage to trust the path is leading where I need it to go. Obedience is trusting God's path, and not insisting on my own. And it is freeing... In an odd way.
I am free to no longer worry about the scale, or what others think of me, or what my finances are. I am free to trust God and live a more balanced life.
And this week, God brought the subject of obedience to me because I NEEDED IT. Due to the lack of going straight to God with righteous anger, I plowed through all the Super Bowl leftovers on Monday (that I was able to ignore on Sunday). I know that come my weigh in Saturday, the scale is not going to be kind. But I don't really care because every-stinking-day this week I have (eventually) turned from food and to God. And that, my friends, is all that God wants from me.
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
M2C OBS Week 2: Anxiety (1Peter 5:7-8)
Thursday, January 23, 2014
My Victory! M2C OBS
As I said before I am doing the OBS from Proverbs 31, Made to Crave. And it has been a long time since I have done a Bible study. I forgot just how good it feels to be talking with other people about God, and what God has done, is doing, and will do for me. I also forgot what it feels like to be moving in the same direction and have the support that I need in order to find my way (and stay on my path).
So, I wanted to share my victory for today. I have a monthly meeting that takes place at a super-yummy pizza parlor. I mean, this is one of those places that I LOVE to eat at. And once a month, I get to go there.
I am just starting down this path, and it isn't paved yet. Lysa talks about tearing down the tower and paving our path towards victory. Uhhhhh... what!?! I don't even think that I had the path cleared, let alone laying any bricks.
So this morning, before my eyes had barely opened, I took my phone and went to the OBS. And before my feet hit the ground, I said a prayer... and waited in expectation. I asked God to see me through the day. And I was anxious for the meeting most of the day. I'll admit it, I wasn't fully trusting God. I mean, I did... but I didn't want to feel the deprivation from one of my favorite things (oops, this make it sound more like an idol that I would like to admit). So, as I got in my car to go to the meeting, I said another prayer. No sooner than I said my "Amen", the radio played Overcomer - by Mandisa. Now, why is this such a big deal? Well, I found the OBS from one of her Facebook posts, and it has been a theme song for the Made 2 Crave OBS. "Got it God! Stop worrying about this. You've got it!" I don't think it could have been much clearer! Until I got to the meeting and the pizza was put down less than 2 inches from my hand. "WHAT?!?! Come on......... I thought you had this God?" But you know what, with another quick prayer and 1 Corinthians 10:23 firmly on my mind, heart, and lips from the moment I woke today, that pizza did NOT have the same pull.
God is with us, and we only have to look at Him. We find Him through our prayers and scriptures.
Monday, January 20, 2014
What's Really Going on Here- MTC Chapter 1
Thursday, January 16, 2014
Made To Crave OBS
Unfortunately, I still have not been able to blog here regularly. That's not exactly correct. I haven't made the time. So, I am embarking in the Made To Crave OBS from Proverbs 31. It will give me the encouragement and accountability that I need to make this happen. So, my promise is at least once a week I will be here... even it is just to stay "Hi, I'm alive and I'm still trying! "
What is Made To Crave? It addresses one of my largest difficulties, weight. But rather than just trying to fix the external things, it's takes a look at misplaced cravings.
I have never done an Online Bible Study, and I haven't had the opportunity to do a Bible study in over 20 years! I was still in college! And I miss it! I am also looking forward to finding other women to talk with and forge friendships and getting to know all of you better.
If you haven't join, will you?